Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Life

There have many nice memories and such meaningful things happened in my this moment,I'M feel that I'm the lucky one coz THE GOD bless me always..
It's important to have many friends when u need them~they will willingly come to help u when u're in facing problem and some troubles..they will appear in front of u when u need them....we'll share our breast and something happen in life.friens is a part of my life, without friends,there have no colourful and unmeaningful life for me.please treature someone that surrounding with you..and dont make disappointed to ur lovely people and make them worry about you.. I'm very satisfied what i had done before and now.. I was never give up and regret what I do..I will try my best to do it well although it was not important for me..sometimes,it was the big challenges to me how to overcome it.
So I promise myself i will do the best on everythings as well as u try.. no matter what happen in my life I will never give up anymore and I will treature everything that i had in my life~treasure all the cherish moment that u had..I i'm feel satisfied and happiness to what i have got now..your life will goes smoothly when everything is fine

In My Life...
I learned how

To love someone~
To smile~
To be happy~
To be strong~
to work hard~
To be honest~
To be faithful~
To be forgive~
To be confidential~

and to treasure everyone and everything that I had in my life:)




Tuesday, April 13, 2010


人之初,談戀愛,總失敗,不懂愛,請走開,怕傷害,別過來,受過傷,爬起來,遇到愛,請再來,戀愛時,心放開,小心眼,不自在,路邊花,不要采,對感情,要忠誠,不埋 怨,不欺騙,當不愛,手放開,你不愛,有人愛, 分手時,笑常開,這年頭,尋真愛,別期待,遇到 事,要想開,不懂她,別瞎猜,猜錯了,不生氣,那才怪,傷感情,是小事,失去愛,劃不來,想離開,說拜拜,現時代,沒人愛,不奇怪,是單身,沒大礙,無老婆,才自在,想要愛,別無奈,請等待,愛會來,有戀人,別人追,請走開,他看見,不誤會,才怪 怪,別發呆,這時代,就奇怪, 你愛ㄎ,她不愛,愛你ㄎ,你不采,唯傷害,走過來,不要怕,跟我來,新時代,她媽ㄎ,真奇怪!